Chapter 6: Approach Exploration - Tasks and Interactions
In our third chapter on approach exploration, we take the consideration of our system to an even more refined level of detail by considering the tasks we are asking our audience to perform to reach their goals, and reflect on the interactions they may need to do to complete those tasks.
Task Breakdown: Extend your structure map by breaking down your system’s features further into tasks; using the imperative construct appropriate to a well-formed task language.
Postures and Tasks: Return to your posture studies and associate the appropriate tasks with your user’s postures.
Ideation: Ideate possible contexts and interfaces for your system based on your postures and associated tasks.
Rough Prototypes and Mockups: Create rough mockups and quickly sketched interface prototypes of your most successful ideations.
Sketch Scenario: From your ideations, prototypes, mockups, and what you learned, select what you feel is the best approach to your project’s ecosystem, and create a photographed scenario of its primary use case. Refine your selected mockups and interfaces enough so that they can be used as props in your scenario. Express this scenario using good cinematic language so that a reviewer can easily follow your story without the use of descriptions and without you telling it to them.
Inspiration Boards: Refine your guidewords and guideword moodboards based on the crit, and create an inspiration board for each guideword.